
The family of four members were happily running their life. Unfortunately, my father contracted HIV while working as a driver. The first child [ baby girl; 9 years old now ] got this disease too. At this stage then parents got aware of HIV and related know-how of medication. The second child was protected from mother-to-child transmission of this disease.

The parents of this baby started looking for a care home especially facilitating nutrition/medical/schooling etc. The father was not in a position to earn and take care of the family. The eldest girl [ Baby ROJA ]  (Name Changed) along with her younger sister was admitted to our care home.

The positive mother accepted our proposal to work as a caretaker in Noida's care home. It is to make her earn and take care of all children in their respective care homes. It was a nightmare for her as she was not getting any work outside. At present, she is getting all facilities, and both her daughters staying under the care home umbrella.

“Baby Roja” , special child is put on dietary restrictions. Outside cooked food is not allowed in care homes. She is put on ART's main medication for HIV after admission in a care home. The ART drug adherence is well maintained.

The admission to private schooling is taken up in her case. She goes to school along with other inmates. It is a dream come true story for her parents as they were not in a position to take care. She is interested in studying in English medium school and it got materialized after admission in the care home. She wants to be a “ doctor “ and DESIRE Society stands for her vision to serve needy.