Welcome to
DESIRE Society

DESIRE Society is a non-profit voluntary organization established in the year of 2004 and registered in year 2005 under Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001 (Act no 35 or, 2001) in Hyderabad . Now the Organization is functioning in India covering with five states, i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Delhi and Maharashtra with several programmes in the field of HIV/AIDS, keeping an objective of health development and well-being of children living with HIV/AIDS (CLHAs).

Building a future, beyond HIV/AIDS with DESIRE Society

The HIV/AIDS pandemic is into its third decade. Over 3 million people in India are currently infected with HIV. According to Health Ministry of India nearly 70000 children living with HIV/AIDS. 70% of the children lose the parents to the disease. These children not only have to live without love and support of a parent but they have to find their ownway through uncertainity. There may not be a cure for AIDS yet, but we still have the power to help rewrite the future of thousands of children in India.

Our Programs

Institutional Care Home

In India many places with a high prevalence of HIV, efforts to provide care and support for AIDS orphans have been underway for many years. In order to develop a comprehensive and sustainable response to children, DESIRE Society has been initiated a project which is committed to provide services of treatment, nutrition, shelter and education with moral support to Children Living with HIV/AIDS (CLHA). Now the organization is able to support up to 66 children under this project.

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Child Nutrition & Health Care

Since pediatric formulations were not available, majority of the children living with HIV/AIDS were not able to get proper nutrition & treatment in India. Another big concern for those working in the field of HIV/AIDS is to reach out to the large number of children who have not been tested & who could be potential carriers of the virus. Identifying children who are vulnerable to HIV infection & verifying their status would therefore be a priority in this program. Currently supports upto 100 children in Vizag.

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Summer Camp

Summer Camp is an annual social event with a complete fun based recreational gathering which is meant for exclusively children suffering with HIV/AIDS. DESIRE Society has initiated it in the year 2009 in Hyderabad. Today apart from Hyderabad, we organize it in other cities Bangalore, Mumbai and Visakhapatnam by reaching up to hundreds of such children attending the camp. The day long activities with an hour to hour agenda for about 3-4 days would keep up children touch sky with endless happiness.

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Become A Volunteer

DESIRE Society encourages volunteers to contribute their time, expertise and skills to uplift the lives of children caring by the organization. We consider the requests from the people those who are committed and willing to render services with selflessness.

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Upcoming Events

The great memories happen with kids of DESIRE Society during every summer season at Summer Camps. This is a reciprocal fun filled social gathering dedicated for children of HIV/AIDS across India. For more details, contact Ph: 9505117777
Let Communities Lead Theme of World AIDS Day, December 1, 2024, brings an opportunity to join us under the banner of Global Solidarity Shared Responsibility by all supporters. For more information about the World AIDS Day 2024 event, contact Dr. Neelima Mohanty at 7330883303.
This is the right occasion of visiting and wishing kids of DESIRE Society. We greatly welcome you to celebrate Children's Day eve with us and have abundant happiness. Do join with our kids and generate great memories of Children's Day Celebration for life time.

Past Events

The great memories happen with kids of DESIRE Society during every summer season at Summer Camps. This is a reciprocal fun filled social gathering dedicated for children of HIV/AIDS across India. For more details, contact Ph: 9505117777
Celebrations of Independence Day of 2024 had filled patriotism spirit in the little lives of DESIRE Society around the nation. The true Independence was seen once again while children holding tiny flags of the nation with their little hands.
Diwali of 2024 was celebrated with sparkling lamps and illuminated fire crackers across all our care home locations in India. Kids of DESIRE Society touched the sky with smiling faces.

Special Thanks To

We must convey a big thank to Traditions Events Management Hyderabad for their heartful support and Sudhakar Caterers Hyderabad.